Our centers are spiritual programs. Some of the procedures may be a new experience for you. Adjusting to this process will not be easy or comfortable, but the end result will be worth it. We are here to tell you that God loves and cares about you and can help you.
Each new student will be completely searched and required to take a shower upon entrance. No visits or telephone calls are permitted during the first two weeks.
General Restrictions and Conduct
(including times when off campus)
No smoking or using tobacco products of any kind.
No drugs, or alcoholic beverages are permitted.
No cursing or using foul language of any kind.
No glorifying past life of drug use, sexual exploits, etc…
Each student is expected to use acceptable forms of address, such as “Pastor Smith” or “Mrs. Jones”. Slang expressions and nicknames are not acceptable. Students are to address one another by their proper name.
Students are required to be ready and on time for all scheduled events. No excuses of any kind are accepted for being late.
ACCOUNTABILITY: You must have someone with you at all times when not at the residence.
NO FIGHTING OR THREATENING IS EVER TOLERATED. Anyone violating this regulation will be automatically dismissed.
No sexual misconduct (verbal or physical).
No one should be lying down during the day without written staff approval. You may not lie down during free time or at any time between 6:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. unless you are ill and have staff permission.
No one is allowed outside the designated boundaries without staff accompaniment or approval.
Students having to go off campus an excessive number times for personal reasons may have time added to the program or given a 30 day medical or legal leave of absence. This includes going to doctor, dentist, probation officers, etc.
If you are given an answer to a question by a staff or intern do not ask anyone else unless you inform them of what the other staff or intern has said. Do not keep going to staff until you get the answer you want.
No secular reading materials or music of any kind are allowed. Only approved Christian reading material is allowed.
Learn More About Our Procedures
Prayer and Devotional Time
Before prayer and devotion in the morning your bed must be properly made and your area neat.
Morning Devotions and Prayer: Morning Prayer sets the pace for your whole day. You may not be accustomed to praying out loud, but let us encourage you to try. You will find that as you verbalize your requests you will develop your ability to communicate with the Lord. Also, as you pray out loud for others it will encourage them.
Prayer guidelines and instruction will be given by staff on duty. There is, however, standard prayer procedures and etiquette.
You may not read during prayer time. This includes the Bible.
Proverbs Group: each morning after breakfast and chores the Proverbs chapter that corresponds with the day of the month is read in turn by each student and a brief discussion is encouraged.
Evening Devotions: at the end of each day during quiet time a personal devotion with notes is required.
Chapel and Church
All students must sit together in all church services and take notes; you are expected to focus your attention on those conducting the service; no staring at members of the congregation or the opposite sex.
NO FRATERNIZING: students are not permitted to visit with, or receive addresses or phone numbers from members of the opposite sex. You are not to be taking any action that draws attention to yourself.
When attending churches you are not to be going to members of the church and praying for them.
Students are not permitted to go to the restroom without staff permission or accountability (Do not ask unless it is an emergency).
POSTURE: Arms are not allowed to be on the backs of the pews; no slouching or sleeping; no chewing gum; no propping feet on chairs or pews.
The only ones you are allowed to correspond with are members of your immediate legal family. The Staff member on duty will monitor all incoming and out-going mail. You will not be allowed to correspond with any friends, from the street, girlfriends or boyfriends. All outgoing mail is to be left unsealed in a designated place.
The mail will be handed out as soon as possible. Do not ask for it ahead of time or try to receive it from the mailman, or retrieve it from the mailbox.
Do not put your name on mailing lists of churches, ministries, or other organizations while you are at Project Hope.
Phone Calls
You must be here for a minimum of two weeks before making or receiving any phone calls.
You may only call immediate legal family — no old friends (marriage certificates are required for spouses).
You are permitted two phone calls per week. Phone calls are limited to 10 minutes and a record will be kept of all the calls you make and receive. DO NOT make a call unless it is logged.
The intern or staff on duty will dial the phone and make the connection – YOU are not to dial the number. Don’t ask for more than your limit. Phone calls will be made at appointed times only. All phone calls are subject to being monitored.
First 2 months all calls are on speaker phone.
Those who have children can have 15 min phone call. If you have children, you are allowed to face-time if your family is able too.
Once you are dorm leader you will be given 3 phone calls a week. Once you have been here for 7 months, you be allowed calls Sundays-Wednesdays. Providing that you are current on class work and not on discipline.
Those with more than 2 phone calls MUST do theirs last.
Phone calls are a privilege. They can be taken away at the staff and directors discretion.
You are NOT permitted to have a Cell phone or any other electronics.
Meals (Food & Drink)
Students must be on time (by prayer) for all meals.
Do not take food or drink out of the dining hall or to your room. Eat your meals in the dining room. No food is to be wasted, eat all food taken. You are allowed only one cup of coffee or tea (if offered) at breakfast. (Female students must eat at least ½ their plate, but must wait 30 minutes until using the restroom)
If you are fasting, you must have Program Director’s approval and tell the staff on duty. When fasting you must be praying during the mealtime.
No drinks, food, gum, candy, etc. of any kind are allowed in the chapel, class, Church (anywhere) or in the dormitory area (except individually wrapped hard candy). After drinking a soda, be sure to deposit your can in the appropriate place (save all soda cans in designated place), when finished drinking.
No one is allowed to make any “special” food or drink of any kind.
Students are not allowed to have money of any kind on their persons. However, we do allow students to have a Wal-Mart card or money in their account. (This is a privilege and can be suspended due to discipline)
Musical Instruments
Do not bring any musical instruments.
No one is allowed to play any of the instruments that are in the chapel, or any church we attend without permission.
Personal Hygiene and Grooming
A shower must be taken every day. Showers are to be limited to 10 minutes or less, a maximum of 15 minutes in the bathroom per student. Only one shower a day unless approved otherwise. Any personal items left in the bathroom may be thrown away.
Hair must be clean and neatly brushed according to haircut and style. Hair must be kept away from face and eyes. Haircuts and color must be pre-approved by Program Director.
Men must keep a clean shaven face at all times
Each student will dress neatly and appropriately for all occasions. Appropriate causal dress must be worn to church; such as nice jeans, casual slacks, and collared shirt.
Socks and shoes are to be worn when out of the dorm rooms. Sandals, flip-flops, etc. are not permitted out of the dorm.
Men who are married can wear their wedding band and a small necklace otherwise no jewelry. (necklaces must be approved)
Bandana’s, durags, neckerchiefs or scarves on the head, neck, or dangling from the pocket are not permitted. Sunglasses and hats may only be worn if working out in the direct sunlight and all hats must be worn properly.
No t-shirts with symbols of tobacco, beer, drugs, profanity, or sexual content etc… (All slogans and symbols must be approved). Tank tops are not permitted at any time outside of the bedroom.
Torn and/or tattered clothing such as patchy jeans, etc. are not allowed.
When leaving the shower to go to your room, you must be covered with a robe. Or fully dressed. Do not walk around unclothed or partially clothed in your room. Use as much modesty as possible.
No mouthwash or perfume containing alcohol is permitted.
Staff member have the right to ask you to change if they feel like your dress code is still not up to the standards listed above. PLEASE do not get offended. This is not a personal attack.
You must keep their finger nails and toe nails cleaned and trimmed.
All students are required to participate in all phases of the recreation program. When you are involved in recreation at outside facilities, stay in the designated areas. It is expected that students will maintain a Christian witness in all leisure activities. Board games, movies, cards, special outings, sports, etc… are a privilege; you may lose access to these activities if you abuse them. The first abuse is not asking permission. Students on discipline may not be permitted to join in any recreational activities.
Room doors must remain open at all times, unless permission is granted otherwise. Do not leave fans running or lights on when leaving the room. Your room must be neat and clean at all times. You will be personally responsible for your own area.
All clothing must be properly hung in your closet, or neatly folded in your dresser. Towels must be hung in the designated area given. Towels, sheets, blankets, etc. are not to be hung on the sides of the beds.
Dirty clothes must be taken care of appropriately. Do not leave them in a pile in your closet or anywhere else.
Your bed must be made immediately after wake up (every day), and remain made until you retire in the evening. All desks, window ledges, etc. must be kept clean. Rooms may be inspected any time.
You are not allowed out of your bed before wake-up time, except to use the bathroom.
You are expected to be in your dorm 30 minutes before lights out (example: 9:00 if lights out is 9:30). This time may be earlier according to the discretion of the staff on duty.
Devotion time is the last 30 minutes before lights out; all students shall be in a posture of devotion and no talking at this time.
All personal items must be taken care of prior to devotions. (Going to the bathroom, brushing teeth, showering, getting drinks, getting clothes ready for the next day, etc. is to be done before devotions start, not afterwards.
Lights are to be turned out immediately after devotion.
When the lights are turned out, BE QUIET. NO TALKING. From lights out until wake-up you are expected to remain in your bed. If you are found any place other than your room, or the bathroom, between these hours, you will be considered off the premises without permission.
Stay out of other resident’s rooms unless you have permission from staff. Never take anything from another resident without permission; you may be accused of stealing.
Nothing is to be tacked, nailed, or stapled to any walls, ceilings, or furniture.
Televisions and Radio
Television viewing is not a part of the Project Hope program. Movies will be shown at certain times and in special occasions sporting events may be watched. Any movies or TV viewing is a special privilege and can be revoked according to staff discretion.
Radios, CD players, tape players, etc. are not permitted. Christian music may be provided by staff under staff supervision.
Class and Study Hall
Each student is expected to complete all class assignments on time and is expected to arrive at classes prior to the scheduled starting time. You should be in your seat and ready for work at the beginning of the class period.
Do not use study time to write letters, to draw, to visit, etc. If you finish the work assigned, inform the instructor and he will provide more material for you. No talking is permitted in study hall without permission.
No drinks or snacks of any kind are allowed during classes.
Talking is not allowed in class, unless you are responding to a question asked by the teacher. Otherwise, BE QUIET and concentrate on the lecture or studies. Remember, you will be tested on the material presented in class and may have pop quizzes.
If you are behind in your class work you may be put on academic discipline; this may include loss of any extracurricular activities and free time until the student is caught up.
Scripture Memory
Scripture verses will be assigned to every student on a regular basis. You will be responsible to learn all of the verses you are given– no excuses will be accepted. You may be asked to give verses at any time. (This also includes Second and Third Phase students).
Each student is required to do regular work duties. You should accept your assignment as an adult; complaints will not be condoned. If you complete a task early you are responsible to find the staff on duty and request further assignment. If duties are not completed properly, some form of consequences will be given out. You are not to be in your rooms during work times.
If you are written up for any reason, don’t complain about it, or criticize the staff–he knows his job. We prefer that you will receive the correction like an adult, and improve in that area the next time.
On workdays in the community, or at any other locations, you will be expected to behave as a representative of Project Hope and will be responsible to report to the work supervisor for your particular assignment. Any money that is paid for work done by students will come to Project Hope as a part of the ongoing support of the ministry.
Fundraising Protocol for Students
Fundraising is a mandatory part of the program while you are a student here. It is the reason you are able to be here completely free of any charges/insurance. Refusal to participate in Fundraising will result in immediate suspension or dismissal from Project Hope Recovery Center.
Students are not permitted to make any purchases without approval from their Crew Leader – this includes but is not limited to; using change for drinks/snacks throughout the day.
Students are to perform morning devotions every day before their fundraiser starts. On overnights students must have PSNC/GSNC work on them in order to stay on track with their curriculum.
Students are NEVER to handle the responsibilities of the Crew Leader. This includes but is not limited to filling out Accountability Sheet paperwork and handling the money bag at all.
Students are not permitted to use any electronic devices while out on a fundraiser or an overnight. (Computers, phones, tablets, television). Permission to make a phone call must be approved by the House Manager or Program Director.
Students will represent the ministry of Project Hope with integrity at all times. No use of foul language or obscene gestures. No sitting around while out at a store. No flirting with anyone.
All money must be turned in EVERY hour to their Crew Leader. Students must sign off on the Accountability Sheet that the $ amount is correct in each column.
Students will at all times respect their Crew Leader – whether it is a Student Crew Leader or a Staff Crew Leader.
At the end of every weekend all Students must fill out a weekend summary sheet and sign off on it.
Generally no Mental Health Mental Retardation (MHMR) meds or psychotropic meds are allowed.
The Program Director or his designee must approve all medication. Do not purchase over the counter (O.T.C.) medicine, unless you have obtained staff permission first. The staff will dispense all O.T.C. medication and prescription medicines. Medicine of any kind, including aspirin, cough syrup, etc. may not be kept in your room. Violations of this rule may result in discipline, and possible expulsion from the program.
All offices, the kitchen, and the pantry are off limits to students, unless assigned to work there. You must knock and receive permission to enter all offices. DO NOT just walk in. No one is allowed in the main office building without permission from the staff on duty, you must have permission and accountability before you go to the offices or any location. Also, be sure that you have a valid and worthwhile reason to go.
No one is to be in any buildings (including the class room) at any time without permission. The only exceptions are your dorm room and the dining area.
No communications between male and female students are allowed at any time whatsoever. Failure to comply with this rule can and will result in expulsion.
Off Campus Privileges
Any time a student leaves the campus he must have a staff member or intern (or an individual assigned by staff) to accompany him to and from any destination. This includes trips for shopping, dentist, doctor, hospital, probation/parole officers, or any other place.
This time away must be approved in advance by the Program Director.
Discipline is given in the form of consequences when a student violates the rules or manifests an inappropriate attitude/ behavior in any given situation or fails to keep up with academics.
Consequences consist of losing specific privileges and/or an additional increase in work assignments. During the time the student is on discipline all passes and visits may be canceled. Also phone and mail privileges may be curtailed. All TV, Games, Sports, etc. are not allowed while on discipline. The person on discipline is not allowed in the areas of recreation.
Violation of certain rules such as fighting, the possession of drugs, cigarettes, attempting to get high, or lying may result in dismissal.
Visits are on the last Sunday of the month from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM only. (unless specifically specified otherwise)
There is just one visit per month per student.
No guests are allowed in any dormitory area; visitations should only take place in designated areas.
Visitation requests must be turned in a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the requested visit.
All visitors must be approved by the Program Director. If you receive an unofficial visitor, they may be asked to leave. All visitors are asked to sign the visitation log in the office.
All incoming packages must be inspected by a staff member in front of the receiving student.
Finally, visitation privileges may be revoked at any time. All visits and passes may be canceled if you are on discipline status.
Students may not participate in another person’s visit.
Rules & Types of Passes
Residents must be here a minimum of 90 days or have special approval to qualify for an off campus pass.
Residents after 6 months if approved will receive one 24 hour pass once a month.
Residents after 9 months if approved will receive one 48 hour pass once a month.
A total of only one pass of any kind is allowed per month.
All passes are to be with immediate family members only (same as phone list)
No passes are allowed on any major holidays.
Students are not to visit with old friends that are not Christians.
Residents are required to attend a Christian church if pass happens on a Sunday, or Wednesday. (a service pamphlet is required)
All Project Hope rules are effective while a student is on pass.
Residents will not be considered for a pass if they are currently on a discipline status. Residents also must be up-to-date on all scholastic requirements.
Residents shall have the responsibility of securing transportation and planning of passes.
On return from pass a resident may be subject to search and testing.
Emergency passes shall be considered only in cases extreme emergency situations. Length of stay in Center will also be a determining factor as to whether a resident will be accompanied by staff member or not.
Emergency Passes – Duration to be determined by staff.
A Final Reminder…
Always be aware of the fact that you came to us for help. You sought us out in your time of need. We did not come to you. Therefore, you have, in effect, submitted yourself totally to all that this program entails. This means that complaining, whining, etc. about any part of this program that you disagree with or do not understand the reasoning behind, cannot and will not be tolerated, either verbally or non-verbally.
If this program is not to your liking, remember that you are always free to leave. If, however, it is your desire to stay and grow within the limits set for you, then do so in an adult manner without fretting or fussing. The staff will always be available to help you in any manner that they are able. Please take advantage of their counsel and experience. We encourage you to dedicate yourself to the Lord while you are here remembering that “God” rewards those who diligently seek Him” Hebrews 11:6. It’s your time do not waste it.
Student Acknowledgment
Rules for Acceptance and participation in the program are the same for everyone without regard to Race, Color, Age, Sex, Religious Creed, and National origin or Political belief.
I also understand that should I decide to dismiss myself I will be taken to the closest bus station unless otherwise decided by the program director.
Also I must wait for approval of the appropriate staff for use of this service. Should I leave before or after normal office hours (Mon-Thurs/9:00-4:00) I will not be able to get money or any other personal items from my account.
I can leave a forwarding address to have any money or belongings mailed to. I also understand the cost of the money order, stamp, envelope, and shipping will be my expense. I also understand should my account be less than all monies needed to complete this transaction the money shall be forfeited.
I also understand that once the decision is made to leave for any reason I will have no more than one hour to be packed and off campus and will not be allowed to go and talk to other students.
I also understand that I cannot receive money from anyone for any reason that is at the center
Any personal items not taken will become the property of our centers unless arrangements are made to pick them up within 24 hours of departure.
I also understand and agree that I will not hold Project Hope responsible for any loss of personal items at any time.
I understand I will apply for food stamps while a resident at the center.
I understand that the program is a minimum 12 months and can be longer. I agree to complete the entire program.
Once you decide to leave or are dismissed you must receive prior approval to come back on campus each visit that you make.
Also once you decide to leave, you have 24 hours to come back, after this 24 hour period there is a 30 day wait. (Any acceptance back into the program is pending director approval)